Always remember that when people see us and how we conduct ourselves, it reflects upon this office. We are held to a higher standard because of who we are and what we do.
In fulfilling these responsibilities, the District Attorney believes that the interests of this Office and its employees are bound closely together. The District Attorney believes in dealing with people honestly and in an atmosphere of mutual trust. Inherent in this philosophy are certain shared standards of conduct. Among these are humane and consistent treatment of employees, including providing employees with clear directions concerning what is expected, high quality prosecution and legal services, regular attendance, a strong work ethic, and strong personal integrity that keeps faith with the public trust.
All employees are required to conform their conduct to this philosophy in order to further the mission of the Office. The District Attorney's Office will set the standard for the rest of the State. We will be the type of office that others strive to emulate. Our mission is to do just that, and the citizens of Ector County should expect no less.